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Your legal status in Switzerland

All Ukrainian citizens may legally stay in Switzerland for 90 calendar days. Switzerland accepts refugees coming with both national and international passports; both biometric and non-biometric passports are valid. Upon arrival, Ukrainian citizens are expected to register within one of the Federal Asylum Centres (FAC), after which they may register for a temporary residence permit, the Status S. 

Official state migration office

This is the office of the national migratory service of Switzerland. It operates on a national level, and is tasked with all matters relating to Ukrainian refugees.


SEM Wabern (siège)

Quellenweg 6
Tél. +41 58 465 11 11

(Open from 10-12 and 14-16).

List of all Federal Asylum Centres (FAC) with 24-hour hotline.

On this page you will find contact of the closest centers where you can register in order to legalize your status in Switzerland.

Établissement vaudois d’accueil des migrants (EVAM) canton of VD.

Кантональное учреждение для беженцев в кантоне ВО


Route de Chavannes 33
1007 Lausanne

021 557 06 00

Service de la Population et des Migrations canton VS

Служба народонаселения и миграции кантона VS


Hotline 058 465 99 11

(10.00-12.00, 14.00-16.00)

What is status "S"?

Under Swiss immigration law, the status S, a temporary resident status, is granted to people with extenuating circumstances, such as refugees arriving in times of war. On February 28, 2022, the Swiss authorities decided to grant this status to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Switzerland. It is very important to understand that the status S allows for considerable flexibility and offers some significant advantages over the standard asylum procedure. 

Key information about the status "S" in Ukrainian and Russian, from the website of the Swiss immigration authorities (SEM)

Registering for status S: A step-by-step guide

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