This website is created by a group of volunteers to support victims of the war in Ukraine, arriving in Switzerland. We aim to make good use of our big and well connected Russian & Ukrainian-speaking expat community, along with our Swiss friends, to provide the help and support refugees are currently in dire need of. We don't do politics, we help people arriving to Switzerland the way we can and we do our best.
Humanitarian aid:
Since the beginning of war in Ukraine, we have started gathering humanitarian aid, which is then sent directly to Ukrainian cities. We are regularly communicating with transportation companies both inside and outside Ukraine to provide this relief; all goods and materials we gather go directly to those in need.
Welcoming refugees:
Apart from humanitarian aid, we also help refugees with the search for accommodation. Although we are not directly responsible for providing said accommodation, our wide Russian-speaking network more than makes up for that. We act as the medium connecting refugees and potential hosts.